Thursday, May 05, 2005

Rebutting Hawkins

Connecting the dots
Any Asian which has read the William R Hawkins article "Who wants a strong China" in "The Washington Times" might be laughing their heads off?! Here's a rebuttal of some of the main points

Connecting the points
Let's see now, Japan ( a friend and ally of the USA) has amended its pacifist constitution, has the most technologically advanced army in Asia, is modernizing its airforce (yep, the descendants of the same naval airforce which devastated Pearl Harbour)and is pushing for a UN security council seat. This is a country which in the last century has terrorized and colonized its Asian neighbours in the name of "co-prosperity". A country which in official texts has sought to justify and whitewash its history and not admit to its war crimes - has Mr Hawkins connected the dots?!

Moral integrity
Can the USA afford to talk about integrity after Guantanamo Bay and Iraqi POWs - and that's from the land of the brave and the home of the free!
A country which doesn't have the gumption to face up to its wartime misdeeds and apologise to its victims wants to regulate the security of the world -Mr Hawkins should , perhaps, translate the story of Washington and the cherry tree for America's ally

Buying from the Russians
Hello?! With the EU arms embargo, who else can the Chinese buy from? Does Mr Hawkins expect the Chinese to buy bb guns as a means of defence?! Get real! A weak China is merely a desert carcass ripe for the picking of vultures. It was a combination of Western and Japanese colonists that took advantage of a hopelessly outdated imperial army to enforce unequal treaties on China at the start of the last century - would that be America's secret hope for the new millenium?!

Economic Facism
From the tone of Mr Hawkins' article, how far is that from economic facism- only countries which the USA regards as allies should be allowed to prosper?! what about "free trade" and democracy or does that only apply to America's allies inc?! Mr Hawkins should recall the same paranoia which prevailed when Japan was the dominant economic power in the '80s.

If policy thinktanks are dominated by individuals with such a slant in thought, it is little wonder that America has consistently chosen the wrong allies in hindsight - the lessons of Noriega and Saddam Hussein should not be forgotten!